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Visionary Dreamer

Become a Visionary Dreamer

When we learn to “Still our Mind” and to “Trust in a Higher Power” when we believe that we are “Watched over by Angels” and that we have “Guides helping us” our world changes. We begin to feel “Supported and Loved” knowing that we are not alone. 

You can create a vision of the future.



Commit to yourself just 15 mins to find stillness, daily or weekly. Extend that stillness with the Chakra Meditations, begin with the Base Chakra. To heal and align your chakras, bringing more peace, joy and happiness



Create inner stillness and become aware of your guidance developing a connection with your Higher Self and your Angels. It awesome to know that we all have a Guardian Angel watching over us, if you see a white feather it’s a sign from your Angel.



Our guides whisper gentle thoughts and ideas to us directly, it is so subtle that we do not hear it, we intuitively act on our guidance, by calling people, going places, find a bargain, or meet our future partner. We are following the plan.

Your Visions Create your Reality

Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Coaching 

Organise your Mind

Balance your Emotions

Find your Authentic Self


Divine Plan

Sometimes it is hard to believe that there is a Divine Plan and we are part of it. 


I believe before we are born we choose our parents, the obstacles and trauma's in order to grow and learn. We are 'Spiritual Beings' having a 'Physical Experience' 


By aligning with our Higher Self and healing our ancestral timeline we begin to enjoy the Journey in this life and learn to 'Go with the Flow" 

"Let us support you on your journey"


Reiki Symbols

Begin your Healing Journey

Begin your journey into an Extraordinary Life

Enjoy a Relaxing Session of Reiki Healing

or Learn Reiki for Self Healing 

Reiki Symbols
Reiki Radiance

Reiki to Heal and Harmonise your Life

Reiki is the Ancient Art of Hands on or Distant Healing

  • You can receive a Reiki Session in person, distant healing or via an Online Consultation.

  • You can learn Reiki yourself: Reiki level 1 is for self healing and sharing with friends and family.

  • You can become a Reiki Practitioner: Reiki level 11 give you a higher level of learning preparing you to give healing sessions in a more professional way.

  • You can take the next level and become a: Reiki Master, this enables you to teach Reiki.

Holy Fire Reiki  Training Courses

Learn to Heal with Reiki:

Reiki 1, Reiki 11, Reiki Art Masters

Karuna Reiki Masters

Reiki Drum​

“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”

Jennifer Jones, CA

Over the last two years I have completed the Reiki 1 & 2 and St Germain and the Violet Flame courses and I am now much more confident and joyful. Through the use of Reiki I am able to keep myself strong and healthy when working in a demanding job. The St Germain course has helped me to stay connected with my higher self and I am now more loving to both to myself and others. I could not have made so much progress without Dee’s careful guidance and wisdom, for which I am very grateful.

Lesley Porter UK

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